hviezdy najjasnejšia hviezda galaxia Peony Nebula Star Mlieèna cesta - JB 26 Vesmír - Na nedatovanej snímke NASA zo …

JB 26 Vesmír – Na nedatovanej snímke NASA zo Spitzerovho vesmírneho teleskopu je novoobjavená najjasnejšia hviezda v galaxii pod názvom “Peony Nebula Star”, ktorá sa nachádza v centrálnej oblasti Mlieènej cesty. FOTO TASR/AP This image provided by NASA from the Spitzer Space Telescope shows the newly discovered second brighterst star in the our Galaxy, the “Peony Nebula Star,” in the central region of our Milky Way. While the existance of the star was already known, it wasn’t until the Spitzer telescope with infrared instruments were able to pierce the dust in the nebula so scientists calculate it’s brightness. According to NASA the star puts out light equivalent to 3.2 million suns. (AP Photo/HO/NASA) *** Local Caption *** vesmír veda výskulm Spitzerov vesmírny teleskop
hviezdy najjasnejšia hviezda galaxia Peony Nebula Star
Mlieèna cesta