Severná Kórea zaèala likvidova zariadenia v kozmodróme Sohe - KK21 Sohe - Na satelitnej snímke z 22. júla 2018 …

KK21 Sohe – Na satelitnej snímke z 22. júla 2018 poh¾ad na èiastoèné rozobratie budovy využívanej na montហnosných rakiet v areáli kozmodrómu Sohe. Severná Kórea zaèala s likvidáciou zariadení v areáli kozmodrómu Sohe ležiaceho na severozápade krajiny, ktorý sa využíval na vypúšanie družíc a na vývoj motorov pre balistické strely. FOTO TASR/AP
This July 22, 2018, satellite image released and annotated by 38 North on Monday, July 23, shows what the U.S. research group says is the partial dismantling of the rail-mounted transfer structure, at center, at the Sohae launch site in North Korea. 38 North said North Korea has started dismantling key facilities at its main satellite launch site in what appears to be a step toward fulfilling a commitment made by leader Kim Jong Un at his summit with President Donald Trump in June. (Airbus Defense & Space/38 North via AP)