Si in-pching Li Kche-èchiang - EBE 23 Peking - Na snímke v¾avo èínsky …

EBE 23 Peking – Na snímke v¾avo èínsky prezident Si in-pching, druhý sprava èínsky premiér Li Kche-èchiang poèas pietneho aktu na pamiatku Mao Ce-Tunga, zakladate¾a Èínskej ¾udovej republiky (ȼR), ktorá si v utorok pripomína 70. výroèie založenia v Pekingu 30. septembra 2019. FOTO TASR/AP
Chinese President Xi Jinping bows at the steps of the Monument to the People’s Heroes during a ceremony to mark Martyr’s Day at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Monday, Sept. 30, 2019. Xi led other top officials in paying respects to the founder of the communist state Mao Zedong ahead of a massive celebration of the People’s Republic’s 70th anniversary. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, Pool)